Code of Conduct Policy for the Australian Entomological Society
- Purpose
The Australian Entomological Society (hereby referred to as AES) aims to be inclusive to the largest number of contributors, with the most varied and diverse backgrounds possible. As such, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and religion. This Code of Conduct policy outlines our expectations of those who participate at AES functions, which are defined as AES organized business meetings, academic sessions and social events. AES functions include both meetings organized exclusively by AES (such as the annual AES Scientific conferences) and meetings organized by other organizations that feature AES sections (such as the International Congress of Entomology conferences held in Australia), hereafter referred to as AES functions. Social events are considered a part of AES functions and include events organized by the AES Board and events organized unofficially by AES members, such as student events and other impromptu social events.
- Expected Behaviour
We expect all participants at AES functions (attendees, members, vendors, exhibitors, contractors, staff, venue staff and guests) to abide by this Code of Conduct policy in all venues at AES functions, including ancillary events and official and unofficial social gatherings.
- Exercise consideration and respect in your speech and actions
- Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory or harassing behaviour and speech
- Alert community leaders if you notice a dangerous situation, someone in distress or violations of this Code of Conduct policy
- Unacceptable Behaviour
Unacceptable behaviours include:
- Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory or demeaning speech or actions by any participant in AES functions, at all related events and in one-on-one communications conducted in the context of AES. AES event venues may be shared with members of the public. Please be respectful to all patrons of these locations.
- Harmful intent or prejudicial verbal or written comments or visual images related to gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, age, appearance or other personal characteristics
- Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public (including presentation slides)
- Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following
- Harassing photography or recording
- Sustained disruption of talks or other events
- Unwelcome and uninvited attention or contact
- Real or implied threat of physical harm
- Real or implied threat of professional or financial damage or harm.
Be careful in the words that you choose. Harassment committed in a joking manner still constitutes unacceptable behaviour. Remember that sexist, racist and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Retaliation for reporting harassment is a violation of the Code of Conduct policy. Reporting harassment in bad faith is a violation of the Code of Conduct policy.
4. Consequences of Unacceptable Behaviour
Unacceptable behaviour from any participant at AES functions, including attendees, sponsors, exhibitors, contractors, volunteer leaders, vendors, venue staff and anyone with decision-making authority, will not be tolerated. If a participant engages in unacceptable behaviour, the AES Board reserves the right to take action that the AES Board deems appropriate. The AES Board reserves the right to remove an individual from AES functions without warning or refund, and to prohibit an individual from attendance at future AES functions. For unacceptable behaviours that may be criminal in nature, the AES Board reserves the right to inform local police and the individual’s employer of the incident.
- If you are subject to, or witness, unacceptable behaviour
If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed or have any other concerns, please contact any member of the AES Board or a person responsible for acting as a liaison between participants and the AES Board. Board members and designated persons will always be identified by name in the event’s program book, along with their contact information. All reports are confidential. All complaints will be treated seriously and responded to promptly. If your safety is threatened, please contact venue security (if available) or local police. If possible, provide the following information, preferably in writing:
- Identifying information (name, appearance) of the participant doing the harassing
- The behaviour that was in violation of this policy
- The approximate time of the behaviour (if different from the time the report was made)
- The circumstances surrounding the incident
- Other people involved in, or witnessing, the incident.
If needed or requested, the AES Board or liaison personnel will help participants contact venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the AES function.
- Addressing Grievances
If you feel you have been falsely or unfairly accused of violating this Code of Conduct policy you should notify the AES Board or liaison person with a concise description of your grievance. Your grievance will be handled in accordance with our existing governing policies.
- Policy on Liability
AES shall not be responsible for any defamatory, offensive or illegal conduct of all AES function participants and shall not be held liable for personal injury, property damage, theft or damage of any kind suffered by the participants at, or in connection with, AES functions. By registering for and attending any AES functions or events associated with AES functions, each participant acknowledges that they have read this Policy and Disclaimer and expressly releases AES and its Board Directors, Office Bearers, volunteers or agents from any and all liability in connection with AES functions as provided herein.
The AES Board, June 2019